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General Cluster Analysis:
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Doll R "Occupational Cancer: Problems in Interpreting Human Evidence" Brit Occ Hyg 1984: 28 (3): 291-305.
Ducatman AM, Conwill DE, Crawl J "Germ Cell Tumors of the Testicle among Aircraft Repairmen" J Urology 1986:136:834-836.
Ederer F, Myers MH, Mantel N "A Statistical Problem in Space and Time: Do Leukemia Cases come in Clusters?" Biometrics 1964: 20: 626-638.
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Occupational Health & Cluster Analysis:
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Ducatman AM, Crawl J,Cronwil DE "Cancer Clusters: Correlation, Causation, and Common Sense" ChemTech April 1988: 204-210.
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Examples of Occupational Disease Clusters:
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