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Veterinary viruses
by Russell and Edington ISBN
0-9510998-0-9, obtainable from
General Virology
The biology of viruses by Bruce A. Voyles ISBN
0-8016-6391-1, 24,95 pounds
Medical Microbiology. Mimms et al. Chapters
1-18, & 34- 38. Mosby] ISBN 0-397-44631-4
Introduction to Modern
Virology by Dimmock and Primrose
ISBN 06320 15977, 20 pounds
Medical Microbiology
by Murray et al ISBN 0-7234-2010-6, 25
Categorisation of
ISBN 0-717601038-1, HSE books, POBox
1999, Sudbury,Suffolk. CO 6FS tel 01787881165 8.50 pounds
A dictionary of virology by Mahy, 2nd ed, 1997,
Academic Press, ISBN 0-12-465325-1
Virus taxonomy,
ed Murphy et al., Springer-Verlag ISBN
3-211-82594-0 (1995)
Virus taxonomy,
Seventh report of the international
committee on Taxonomy of
Viruses,edited by M.H.V. van Regenmortel and 10 others. (2000) Academic Press, ISBN 0-12-370200-3, 106 pounds
Veterinary Virology:
Hagan and Bruner's
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases of Domestic Animals ISBN 0-8014-1896-8,
Cornell multiauthor book, includes bacteriology, 43 pounds
Essentials of Veterinary
Microbiology, 1995 5th ed by Carter,
Chengappa and Roberts, ISBN 0-683-01473-0, 46 pounds, includes
Veterinary Microbiology 1999 by Hirsh and Zee, (UC,
Davis multiauthor book)ISBN 0-86542-543-4, 53 pounds), includes
Viral Infections of
?nbsp; ?
?nbsp; ?
?nbsp; ?
?Equidae [ Elsevier press series]
AEI acetylethylene-imine(乙酰基乙烯亚胺
AGDP agar gel diffusion precipitation(琼脂凝胶扩散沉淀
AHS(V) African horse sickness(非洲马瘟)
ALV avian leucosis virus(鸟类白血病病毒)
ASF(V) African swine fever(非洲猪瘟)
BD(V) border disease(边界病病毒)
BHK baby hamster kidney(幼鼠肾细胞
BHMV bovine herpes mammillitis virus(牛疱疹乳头炎病毒)
BHV bovine herpes virus(牛疱疹病毒)
BL(V) bovine leucosis virus(牛白血病病毒)
BSE bovine spongiform encephalopathy(牛海绵状脑病)
BPL beta propiolactone(β-丙内酯)
BPV bovine papilloma virus(牛乳突淋瘤病毒)
BuDR bromodeoxyuridine(溴脱氧尿苷)
BT bovine testis(牛睾丸)
BT(V) blue tongue virus(蓝舌病
BVD(V) bovine viral diarrohoea(牛病毒性腹泻病毒
CAM chorioallantoic membrane(绒〔毛〕膜尿囊膜)
CAV canine adenovirus(犬腺病毒)
CDV canine distemper(犬瘟热)
CF(T) complement fixation (test)(补体结合实验)
CIE counter immuno electrophoresis(对流免疫电泳法
CNS central nervous system(中枢神经系统)
CP(V) canine parvovirus(犬细小病毒)
cytopathic effect(细胞病变效应)
CVL Central Veterinary Laboratory, at
Weybridge, Surrey(中央兽医学研究所
ds double stranded(双链)
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid(脱氧核糖核苷酸)
DVH duck viral hepatitis(鸭病毒性肝炎)
DVO divisional vet.officer(地域兽医师)
EBL enzootic bovine leucosis(地方性牛白血病病毒
EBV Epstein-Barr virus(EB病毒)
EDS egg drop syndrome(产蛋下降综合症
EEE(V) eastern equine encephalomyelitis(东方马脑脊髓炎病毒)
EEI ethylethylene-imine(乙烷基乙烯亚胺
EHV equine herpes virus(马疱疹病毒)
EIA(V) equine infectious anaemia(马传染性贫血)
ELISA enzyme linked immuno absorbent assay(酶联免疫吸附试验)
F fusion(融合)
FCV feline calicivirus(猫杯状病毒)
FeLV feline leukaemia virus(猫白血病毒)
FIP feline infectious peritonitis(猫传染性腹膜炎)
FMD(V) foot and mouth disease(口蹄疫病毒)
FP fowl plague(鸡瘟
FVR feline viral rhinotracheitis(猫病毒性鼻气管炎)
H haemagglutinin(血凝素)
HA(U) haemagglutination (units)(血凝反应)
HEV haemagglutinating encephalitis virus(血凝性脑炎病毒)
HI haemagglutination inhibition(血凝抑制)
HSV herpes simplex virus(单纯疱疹病毒)
HVT herpesvirus of turkeys(火鸡疱疹病毒)
IAH Institute for Animal
Health (Biological and biotechnology research council core-funded
which also get much MAFF funding , eg Pirbright for exotic viruses, Compton for endemic viruses and bacteria, Moredun for infectious neurological disease-eg TSE and louping ill )
i.b. inclusion body(包涵体)
IB(V) infectious bronchitis(传染性支气管炎)
IBDV infectious bursal disease virus(传染性滑囊病病毒)
IBR(V) infectious bovine rhinotracheitis(传染性牛鼻气管炎)
i.c. intra cerebral or intracytoplasmic(脑内或胞浆内)
ICH infectious canine hepatitis(传染性犬肝炎)
ID immunodiffusion(免疫扩散)
(I)IF (indirect) immunofluorescence((间接)免疫荧光)
IFN interferon(干扰素)
IHNV infectious haemorrhagic necrosis
(I)IP (indirect) immunoperoxidase((间接)免疫过氧化物酶)
ILT(V) infectious laryngotracheitis(传染性喉气管炎)
i.n. Intranasal(鼻内)
i.p. Intraperitoneal(腹膜腔内)
IPNV infectious pancreatic necrosis virus(传染性胰腺坏死病病毒)
Iscom immuno stimulating complex(免疫刺激复合物)
IUDr idoxuridine, thymidine ,antiviral(疱疹净、胸苷、抗病毒)
IPMA immunoperoxidase monolayer assay(免疫过氧化氢酶层细胞测定
LN lymph node(淋巴结)
LPD lympho proliferative disease(淋巴增生疾病
LSD lumpy skin disease(结节性皮肤病
Mab, mAb monoclonal antibody(单克隆抗体)
MCF(V) malignant catarrhal fever virus(恶性卡他热病毒)
MD(V) mucosal disease or Marek’s
MHC major histocompatibility complex(主要组织相容复合物)
MHV mouse hepatitis virus(鼠肝炎病毒)
MK monkey kidney(猴肾)
N neuraminidase(神经氨酸酶)
NA nucleic acid(核酸)
NDV Newcastle disease virus(纽卡斯尔病病毒)
NI neuraminidase inhibition(神经氨酸酶抑制
NK natural killer(自然杀伤细胞)
NP nucleoprotein(核蛋白)
PCMV porcine cytomegalovirus(猪细胞巨化病毒)
PI parainfluenza(副流感病毒)
PK pig kidney(猪肾)
pme post mortem examination(事后分析检查)
PMN polymorphic nuclear cell(多形核细胞)
PPV porcine parvovirus
PRRS porcine respiratory and reproductive
PSV pseudorabies(狂犬病恐怖症)
RE reticuloendothelial or restriction
REV reticuloendotheliosis virus(网状内皮组织增殖病病毒)
RIA radioimmunoassay(放射免疫测定)
RNA ribonucleic acid(核糖核酸)
RSV respiratory syncytial virus orRous
sarcoma virus(呼吸道合胞病毒或劳斯肉瘤病毒
SF(V) swine fever(猪瘟)
SMEDI still birth, mummification, embryonic
death, Infertility(双胞胎
SPF specific pathogen free(无特定病原
SVD(V) swine vesicular disease(猪水泡病
ss single stranded(单链)
SV40 simian virus 40(猿病毒40
TCID 50 tissue culture infectious dose (50%
TGE transmissible gastroenteritis(传染性肠胃炎病毒
TK thymidine kinase(胸苷激酶)
TSE transmissible spongiform
VEE Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis(委内瑞拉马脑脊髓炎)
VE(V) vesicular exanthema(水泡疹病毒)
VIC Veterinary investigation Centre(兽医研究中心)
VLA Veterinary laboratories agency, (CVL
and VIC’s)(兽医学研究所
VM(V) visna-maedi(绵羊脱髓鞘性脑白质炎-肺腺瘤病)
VN virus neutralization(病毒中和)
VP viral protein(病毒蛋白)
VSV vesicular stomatitis virus(水泡性口膜炎病毒
WEE western equine encephalomyelitis(西方马脑脊髓炎)
WI Wistar institute(维司达研究院