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不同的心血管疾病的结局以及各种研究方法都提供了有效证据证明愤怒与冠心病的关系。不可否认,最据说服力的就是studies that
capture so-called
揾ard?CVD endpoints???尤其是那些经过客观衡量,加以客观的限制条件,并且由客观标准所验证的研究方法
Johnson and colleagues:特征性愤怒与体内LDL/HDL比率和甘油三脂水平成正相关
Durel and colleagues:
愤怒与冠心病关系的横断面研究相关文献Johnson EH, Collier P,
Nazzaro P, Gilbert DC. Psychological and physiological predictors of
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Associations of
blood pressure with
self-report measures of anger and hostility among black and white
men and women. Health Psychol. 1989;8:557-575.
愤怒与冠心病关系的前瞻性研究相关文献Markovitz JH, Matthews KA,
Wing RR, Kuller LH. Meilahn EN. Psychological, biological and health
behavior predictors of blood pressure changes in middle-aged women.
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the Framingham study, III:
8-year incidence of coronary heart disease. Am J Epidemiol.
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愤怒与冠心病关系的实验室与临床研究相关文献Verrier RL, Hagestad EL,
Lown B. Delayed myocardial ischemia induced by anger. Circulation.
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Taylor CB, Boltwood M, Bartzokis T, Dennis C, Chesney M, Spitzer S,
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anger on left ventricular
ejection fraction in coronary artery disease. Am J Cardiol.
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mental stress in atherosclerotic segments. Am J Cardiol.
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