Many more
eastern European cities reported substantially greater levels of air and water pollution,
less relative area of green space and less living space for residents than those in the
west and north. 38% of Moscow residents, in 1995, complained that there were insufficient
green parks in the city; 40% reported a lack of places to relax and sit; while 61% said
that there was not enough clean air in Moscow (www.mos.ru)
, 1998). St. Petersburg and Minsk were the only two out of 45 cities which reported not
having any sport and recreational facilities for every 1000 inhabitants. Out of 38 cities,
St. Petersburg ranked 5th highest in reporting single parent families; 2nd
in reporting a young median age for a first birth; and the only city to report an abortion
rate over 100% of the birth rate. St. Petersburg also ranked 2nd highest in a
clustering of mortality rates by disease: circulatory, chronic, and deaths due to trauma
(WHO, Healthy Cities, 1998). |