After the successful cooperation between the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Arts Center and Egypt Music Network on the first edition of the festival, it was decided that the festival has to move further in its second edition. International artists will be invited to perform; the program will also include other related events.

Saturday 15
Consperience (Egypt) 7:30 pm
Genticorum (Canada) 9:00 pm

Sunday, 16
Hawadeg –first appearance on stage- (Egypt) 7:00 pm
Omar Khairat -Guest of Honor- (Egypt) 8:30 pm
BA Orchestra conducted by Sherif Mohie Eldin

Monday, 17
Sayed Rekaby (Egypt) 7:30 pm
German-Egyptian musical meeting
(Germany/Egypt) 9:00 pm
Matthias Frey, Buedi Siebert, Basem Darwisch and
Hossam Shaker with other musicians from Egypt

Tuesday, 18
Jazz Trio (Switzerland/Germany) 7:30 pm
Broetzmann - Wertmueller - Pliakas
Nagham Masry (Egypt) 9:00 pm

Wednesday, 19
Kitaiyoun (Lebanon) 7:30 pm
El-Dor El-Awwal (Egypt) 9:00 pm



Event Schedule

Location Date From: To: Activity Admission
BACC Great Hall 15 Apr 2006 19:00 23:00 Concert Open For Public
BACC Small Theater 15 - 19 April 2006 19:00 23:00 Concert Open For Public
BACC Great Hall 17 - 19 April 2006 19:00 23:00 Concert Open For Public