The BA is organizing this lecture as part of the fourth season of the Alexandria Project Cultural Program, which aims to assist specialized researchers in studying the history of the ancient library and of Alexandrian civilization.

The lecture will cover the “script of the birds”, which is one of the names used by Arab writers to describe Egyptian hieroglyphics. The name reflects the choice of Nile birds as signs for several consonants in the Ancient Egyptian language.

Presented by Dr. Stephen Quirke, Edwards Professor of Egyptian Archaeology and Philology, University College London, the lecture will be streamed through video conference and accompanied by simultaneous Arabic interpretation.

The lecture will be directed by Magda El-Nowaemy, Professor of Latin Literature, Greek and Roman Archaeology Department, Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University.


Event Schedule

Location Date From: To: Activity Admission
Main Building – Auditorium 16 Dec 2015 11:00 15:00 Video Conference Open to the Public