Serageldin Visits the Bibliotheque Nationale de France

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Serageldin joins the directors of 15 Réseau Francophone Numérique (RFN) - Francophone Digital Network- member libraries from around the world in a meeting held at the Bibliotheque Nationale de France (BnF) on 25 March 2010.

During his visit to the BnF, an interview on the cooperation between the BnF and the BA will be held with Serageldin to be published in the next issue of the BnF magazine Chroniques. The BnF, in partnership with the Cultural Council of the Union for the Mediterranean (UPM) and the French National Railways (SNCF),has recently donated half million books to the BA.

In addition, the SNCF, which undertook the shipment of the donation from Paris to Alexandria, is now writing a book entitled The 500001st Book, about this special gift. The SNCF have requested to interview Serageldin for this purpose, and the interview also takes place during his visit to the BnF.
