TWAS/BioVisionAlexandria.NXT(BVA.NXT) at the BA

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TWAS/BVA.NXT 2010 is the second BioVisionAlexandira.NXT to be organized in Alexandria. It will revolve around one of the main concerns of every researcher in developing countries when publishing scientific papers. One hundred young researchers (below the age of 35 and holding a Masters or PhD) will be selected to participate in the event, of which 15% will be NXT alumni from both developed and developing countries to promote networking and to ensure the stability and continuity of the program.

The event will start on 10 April 2010, and will include various panels and roundtable discussions where the young scientists will be offered the opportunity to meet distinguished scientists, as well as editors and reviewers from several prestigious scientific journals with whom they will share their views regarding the obstacles they face when publishing their research, and explore ways in which they could overcome them. Moreover, each young researcher will demonstrate his/her project/research in the poster session. Furthermore, the young scientists will be invited to participate in the 5-day BioVisionAlexandria Conference program.

More information is available on:
