Swaminathan Award for Environmental Protection Goes to Serageldin

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The Dr. M. S. Swaminathan Award for Environment Protection 2010 was presented to Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of the Library of Alexandria, in Chennai, India, on 7 August 2010, for his outstanding contribution to the cause of environment protection.

The Award, instituted by Rotary Club of Madras East, was given to Serageldin by former Lok Sabha (Indian Parliament) Speaker Balram Jakhar. The presentation ceremony took place at the Chennai International Conference on “Eliminating Hunger and Poverty: Priorities in Global Agricultural Research and Development Agenda in an Era of Climate Change and Rising Food Prices”, organized at the M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF).

During the Award Ceremony, Dr. Swaminathan lauded Serageldin for his commitment to environment protection, for his dedication to the poor, and for bringing about great transformation through his endeavors. Describing the Award as an enormous honor for him, Serageldin underlined the need for more sustained work towards protecting the environment.

Serageldin was also invited to join a panel of experts from different countries at the International Forum held during the Chennai International Conference. Participants deliberated on the role of agriculture in eradicating hunger and poverty, with the aim of developing a workable road map for achieving this Millennium Development Goals. 

