Opening of the Conference "The Role of Digital Transformation and AI Applications in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in the Arab Region (MENA)"

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The Bibliotheca Alexandrina inaugurated this morning a conference entitled "The Role of Digital Transformation and AI Applications in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in the Arab Region (MENA)". The conference, which is sponsored by the BA, is organized by the Arab Institution of Knowledge Management (AIKM) and the IFLA Regional Division Committee for the Middle East and North Africa (IFLA-MENA), and is held on 2 and 3 September 2024, at the BA Conference Center.

The conference was inaugurated by Prof. Ahmed Zayed, Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina; Prof. Khaled El-Halaby, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Arab Institution of Knowledge Management (AIKM); and Dr. Saif Al-Jabri, Chairman of the IFLA Regional Committee for the Middle East and North Africa (IFLA-MENA).

At the end of the opening session, Prof. Khaled Al-Halabi presented the Institution’s shield to Prof. Dr. Ahmed Zayed and to the sponsors and organizers of the conference.

It is worth mentioning that the conference aims to examine the digital transformation in information institutions and its role in achieving sustainable development goals, as well as the impact of modern artificial intelligence applications on information institutions in the Arab region.


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