The Closing of “Access to Information is the Right of Every Citizen” Conference at the BA

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Alexandria— The “Freedom of Information.. Access to Information is the Right of Every Citizen” Conference, organized by the BA from 7 to 9 February 2008, discussed one of the most pressing issues pertaining to citizens’ right to access information, free information flow within institutions, lack and corruption of information.

Participants agreed that free access to information is a prerequisite to establish integrity and fight corruption in society, and that citizens should be allowed to access governmental data to promote transparency in the decision making process, thus strengthening government credibility.

In the closing session, Dr. Ismail Serageldin explained that an economic leap and prosperity for the people would not be achieved without transparency and non-bureaucratic measures. He added that laws on free access to information will benefit both citizens and governments, and that these laws are required for implementing good governance and fighting corruption. Dr. Serageldin stressed that free access to information promotes democracy and increases public awareness on the decision making process. As to laws drafted on disclosure and flow of information, Dr. Serageldin stated that these laws complement those on intellectual property rights.

Dr. Maged Othman, Head of the Information and Decision Support Center (IDSC), praised the Conference and the message it conveyed to the participants, media, and press, which reflects the keenness of the organizers to entrench the concept of free flow and access of information. He added that the Conference successfully achieved its objectives and introduced to the entire society the work of the IDSC, ministries, governorates, and other organizations in dissemination and access to information, and encouraged experts and specialists to present their views and discuss their visions as regards to building a knowledge society.

Dr. Abdel Aziz Hegazy, former Egyptian Prime Minister, called on civil societies to play an additional role in achieving social justice within the society and in correcting and updating data to achieve credibility.

Hegazy stated that discussions are underway to establish an autonomous supreme council for economic-cultural relations with Mediterranean countries, in cooperation with the European Union, with its headquarters at the BA.

On the Conference recommendations, Dr. Ismail Serageldin stated that there are no final recommendations, since the subject is still under debate and that all the Conference papers will be available on the Internet. He added that free access and flow of information will be one of the themes discussed in the Third Arab Youth Forum, scheduled in the end of February 2008.


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