Alexandrina International Book Fair
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The Bibliotheca Alexandrina is organizing its International Book Fair under the title of Alexandrina International Book Fair from 16 February up to 2 March 2005.
The theme for the year 2004, Children’s Books, was targeting Egyptian children. The Alexandrina International Book Fair of 2005 will focus on Women and Children’s Books. Besides the specialized pavilion, which will focus on this year’s theme, publishers/agents will be invited to participate in other pavilions dedicated to the sale of other books and publications. A substantial number of publishing and printing houses from Egypt, the Arab World and Europe are expected to participate.
Please read the details and requirements here for participation in the Alexandrina International Book Fair of 2005 and fill the following forms:
For hotel reservations, please fill the following form: Hotel Booking
For sending of forms and for any further information, kindly contact:
Miss Mona Helmy
P.O. Box 138, Chatby, Alexandria 21526, Egypt
Fax: +(203) 4879252, 4820451
Tel.: +(203) 4839999