“Islamic Antiquities in Dakhla Oasis” in a Webinar at the BA
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The BA Antiquities Museum and the Zahi Hawass Center of Egyptology organize a webinar titled “Islamic Antiquities in Dakhla Oasis”, delivered by Dr. Mahmoud Mohamed Saleh Ahmed, Supervisor of Antiquities, east of Dakhla, Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. The lecture will be broadcast on Sunday, 10 October 2021, at 7:30 pm, through the Antiquities Museum’s Facebook page:
The lecture will shed light on Dakhla oasis and the special nature of its Islamic cities, the most important of which are Al-Qasr, Balat, Al-Hindaw, and Qalamoun. It will also explore the history of these cities, the buildings that distinguish them, as well as the general features characterizing the Islamic architecture of Dakhla oasis.
Registration is done through the following link, by entering the meeting information below:
Meeting link: https://bibalex.webex.com/bibalex/j.php?MTID=m58c15542e2bb640cf31f8593b23e55ed
Meeting number: 23618759005
Password: AB3d