The BA Mourns Professor Shibl Badran

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The Bibliotheca Alexandrina and its staff mourn Prof. Shibl Badran, former Dean of the Faculty of Education, Alexandria University, and member of the Committee on Education (the Supreme Council of Culture), who passed away on Wednesday, 18 January 2023, hoping that God Almighty will bestow His mercy on him.

Prof. Ahmed Zayed, Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, extends his sincere condolences to the family and students of Prof. Badran on this great loss, asking God Almighty to grant them patience and solace.

Prof. Shibl Badran was born in July 1950. He received his BA in Philosophy and Sociology in 1973, from the Faculty of Education, Alexandria University. He obtained his MA and PhD in Philosophy (pedagogy), from the Faculty of Education, Tanta University.

He was Head of the Pedagogy Department in 1998, and Dean of the Faculty of Education, Alexandria University, from 2004 to 2011.

He received several awards, most notably the 2010 State Award for Excellence in Social Sciences from the Supreme Council of Culture, and the Alexandria University Award for Administrative Excellence for the same year.

Academically, Prof. Badran produced more than forty published research papers in the Arab world, and more than forty books in his field of specialization, in addition to his supervision of multiple scientific dissertations.
