“Keys to Rome”: An International Exhibition that Explores the Past with the Technology of the Future

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The BA’s Antiquities Museum will host the “Keys to Rome” Exhibition on 23 September 2014. Thirteen countries will meet in Rome, Amsterdam, Alexandria, and Sarajevo to open the exhibition, which is considered an interactive and creative journey to get to know Emperor Augustus’ city and the Roman Empire through watching and experiencing its four corners in four enchanting locations; four cities that represent the Roman civilization.

The “Keys to Rome” Exhibition will be organized by the Virtual Museum Transnational Network (V-MUST), and will involve the latest technologies that will connect the remaining regional civilizations of the Roman Empire and shed some light on the points of difference and the common denominators between them throughout the eras of the Roman rule.

The exhibition will also present a technical model for the future and will be a witness to the success of V-MUST, which aims to provide the Heritage Sector with the necessary tools and support to build virtual museums that are educational, exciting, long-term, and easily preserved.
