The Cultural Mediterranean Plan of Action of the Third Conference on the Dialogue among People and Cultures in the Euro-Mediterranean and Gulf Areas, 19–21 January 2008

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Alexandria— The Paris, Seville, and Alexandria meetings form together a concrete workshop addressing major cultural themes related to European, Mediterranean and Gulf societies.

The cultural dimension of the whole Mediterranean project should take into account the following three essential facts:
• Culture is a key factor for socio-economic development;
• Culture is a central element of social modernization;
• Culture is the primary agent of mutual recognition and coexistence within a framework of cultural diversity.

Culture is a key factor for socio-economic development since barriers against achieving sustainable development in Northern and Southern Mediterranean societies are all cultural. Socio-economic progress depends on life-long training, basic education, professional training, and the accessibility to knowledge and employment.

Culture is a central element of social modernization because open, free, and plural societies are more productive, more adaptable, have a stronger spirit of initiative, and are able to enhance their social stability.

Culture is the primary agent of coexistence because interaction between Mediterranean societies increases cooperation opportunities and the risks of conflict that result from differences.

The Mediterranean Cultural Workshop recommends the establishment of an actual cultural plan of action for the region; a plan of action that helps promote prosperity and provide employment; and endorses better knowledge and mutual understanding of one another.

From this perspective, the Mediterranean Cultural Workshop has defined six themes for discussion: History and Memories; Images, Writings and Mobility; Religions and Societies; Social Modernization; Education; Shared Values, Common Values. Within the scope of those themes, a number of projects were designed, some of which need immediate action whereas the others only chart a path for the future.

The Cultural Workshop sets as its objective the facilitation of the accessibility and follow-up of this plan of action with all national and international actors.

To view the complete reports of the workshops, click on the following links:
1. Cultural Fractures, Memories and History
2. Images and Writings
3. National and Regional Interreligious Disputes
4. Social Modernization
5. Education
6. Shared Values; Common Values


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