Maintenance at the Planetarium Facility

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Due to maintenance procedures, the Planetarium facility at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina will be closed to the public, starting tomorrow Thursday 16/9/2004 - Saturday 18/9/2004. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. ...

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A Message from the GEYC to Mrs. Susan Mubark

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We, the students of twenty two countries gathered here in Alexandria under your Excellency’s patronage for the Global Environmental Youth Convention 2004, would like to send you our warmest greetings and sincere thanks for your support of this convention, which is taking place in the wonderful ...

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New Panels in the Under Water Archeology Exhibition

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The Under Water Archeology (UWA) Exhibition represented its first version at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina on 12 October 2003, with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in Egypt. As cooperative efforts continued, two new panels were recently ...

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