Call for Application: Hellenistic Studies Diploma and MA Programs

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The Alexandria Center for Hellenistic Studies (ACHS) announces the beginning of registration for Master’s degrees in Hellenistic Studies from 1–15 August 2019. This Master’s Program is the fruit of a collaboration between ACHS, the Vardinoyannis Foundation, and Alexandria University, and is ...

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A Workshop for Learning Chess at Sinnari House

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The BA Sinnari House organizes a workshop entitled “Learning Chess”, on Monday, 19 August 2019, from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. The workshop focuses on teaching children and young people how to employ their mental capacities and develop their analytical thinking skills by playing chess. It will be ...

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The BA Launches “Alexandria World Heritage Simulation”

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The Alexandria Center for Hellenistic Studies, in collaboration with the Raquda Foundation for Art and Heritage, launches the "Alexandria World Heritage Simulation" initiative on Thursday, 1 August 2019, at 6:00 pm, in the BACC Lectures Hall. The initiative aims at teaching young people the ...

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